Volunteering is second nature for VFW Auxiliary members. It’s what we do, how we do it, where we do it and why we do it – because it’s always the right thing to do.


What is considered Auxiliary Outreach?  When an Auxiliary partners with an organization outside of its own, it should be considered Auxiliary Outreach if the project was approved by the Auxiliary and recorded in the meeting minutes prior to the project. 


Some examples of qualifying activities are:

  • Spending time in a local homeless shelter kitchen serving meals, bussing tables, or cleaning up.
  • Partnering with the police or fire department on bicycle or home safety training class.
  • Your auxiliary approves helping a local cancer group setting up their event or helping out at the booth.
  • Partnering with the garden club to clean up local parks.
  • Helping a youth group collect food donations for the local food pantry. 


Outreach Can:

  • Be performed by one auxiliary member or a group of auxiliary members.
  • Be performed by people of any age, skill set or ability level.
  • Benefit any group of people, such as children, senior citizens, and those with disabilities.
  • Benefit animals, the environment, and public spaces.
  • Be done in communities of all types – rural, suburban, urban, small and large.


Check out the full rules in the VFW Auxiliary Outreach Guide

Read more about the Auxiliary Outreach Program through the following reports from our WI Auxiliary Outreach Program Chair Alicia Weix: