Things you need to know about Delegates, Credentials & Voting

 We have been focusing on Department credentials, delegates and voting but we also need to discuss District delegates, credentials and voting.

Sec. 303 – District Meetings and Conventions

  • Delegates and alternates to Districts shall be elected at a regular meeting of the Auxiliary held not less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the District Convention at which District Officers are to be elected.
    • One (1) Delegate and one (1) Alternate for each fifteen (15) members or fraction thereof in good standing in the Auxiliary at the time of the election of Delegates.
      • Or as respective Department Bylaws may provide. We do not have Bylaws in the Department of Wisconsin.
    • The Auxiliary Secretary shall provide the names of the Delegates and Alternates to the District Secretary prior to the District Convention or as the District Standing Rules direct.
    • Auxiliaries instituted subsequent to March 30 shall as promptly as possible elect Delegates and Alternates to the District Convention.
    • The term of office for which Delegates are elected shall be for one (1) year from the date of election, as described in this Section, until the election of the new Delegates.


Are there any questions regarding District Delegates and Alternates?


Sec. 304-Department Meetings and Convention   

  • Delegates and Alternates to the Departments shall be elected at a regular meeting of the Auxiliary held not less than thirty (30) days prior to the Department Convention.
    • One (1) Delegate and one (1) Alternate for each thirty (30) members or fraction thereof in good standing in the Auxiliary at the time of the election of Delegates.
    • The Auxiliary Secretary shall send the names of the Delegates and Alternates to the Department Secretary prior to the close of the credentials of the Department Convention.
    • Auxiliaries instituted during the thirty (30) calendar days prior to convening date of the Department Convention shall at the time of institution, or as soon as possible, elect Delegates and Alternates.
    • In the case of a new Auxiliary, within fifteen (15) calendar days following the date of institution.
      • The Delegate strength shall be based on the Department Treasurer’s record as of the date election of such Delegates.
      • The term of office for which Delegates are elected shall be for one (1) year from date of the election, as described in this Section, until the election of the new Delegates.

Any questions on Department Delegates and Alternates?

Credentials verify a member’s eligibility to vote.  See below for "how it works”.

Ok, now what? 

  • First, the member must be in good standing – current dues paid.  No dues, NO voting. 
  • Second, the Auxiliary must be in good standing – ALL audits must be on file with the Department Treasurer – audits not current, NO voting. 
  • Third, Convention Delegates (and Alternates) must be listed on the Delegate list and the list mailed or emailed to the Department Secretary.  No Delegate list on file with the Secretary, NO voting. 

Now, before you go to Convention, please note that it is the responsibility of each member who expects to vote to make sure that:

  1. ALL AUDITS have been sent to Department Treasurer.
  2. Member is listed on the DELEGATE LIST.
  3. The DELEGATE LIST has been sent to the Department Secretary.
  4. CURRENT MEMBERSHIP DUES CARD is in member’s possession.

If all of this is done, the process goes smoothly at Convention Registration!


Here’s how it works:

  1. Begin at the Registration Table to get your badge.
  2. Proceed to Credentials to have your badge marked.
  3. First, we check your membership card to see that it is current.
  4. Then, we check your Auxiliary’s Delegate sheet to see if you are listed as a Delegate or Alternate. We also look to see who else from your Auxiliary is expected to attend.
    1. If you are President and listed as such, and others are expected, we’ll send you through as President.
    2. If no others are expected and you are listed as a Delegate or Alternate, we’ll send you through as Delegate or Alternate so you can vote the full strength of your Auxiliary rather than only the one President’s vote.
    3. If you are also a Department Officer, District President, or PDP, we’ll try to make sure your Auxiliary is covered. If so, then you have your choice as to how you wish to vote.
  5. Your badge will be marked with the appropriate color, and your sheets will be marked as to your choice.
  6. You are now all set to enjoy the Convention and VOTE!

Have questions about this process?  DON’T struggle at your Auxiliary meeting and leave the process undone!

Election of Officers

Auxiliary – Pg. 62, Section 804A. Read

District – Pg. 62, Section 804C.   Read

Department – Pg. 63, Section 804D.  Read

National – Pg. 63, Section 804E.  Read 


District Delegates

  • Elected not less than 30 days prior to District Convention when officers are elected.  If your District Convention is in April, you need to elect in February or March depending where your meeting falls in the month.  All others need to elect in April unless your meeting is in the middle of the month, then elect in March. The Department Secretary will supply you with a form for District and National Delegates.
  • 1 delegate and alternate for every 15 members or fraction thereof.  Example: 100 members divided by 15 = 6.6 or 7.
  • Delegates need to be sent to the District Secretary prior to the District Convention.
  • Remember District Secretaries and/or Credentials Chairmen, you also need, prior to the onset of the meeting, check with the Officers, Past District Presidents, and appointed officers and floor officers, how they plan to vote – with Auxiliary, or a past District or Dept. President, or as their position.   Figure out the delegate strength ahead of time so that all you have to do is read it right through to the delegation (speed up time).  Give copies of your "cheat sheet” to the judge and tellers before the meeting begins.   Also, check with the Department Representative to see if there are any Auxiliaries that are delinquent on their Audit (as they are not entitled to vote).


Department Delegates

  • Elected at a regular meeting not less than 30 calendar days prior to Convention.  If meeting is at the beginning of the month, elect in May, otherwise in April.
  • 1 delegate and Alternate for every 30 members or fraction thereof.  Example: 100 members divided by 30 = 3.3 or 4.
  • If the delegate wears more than one hat, need to let Credentials know how you will be voting. 


National Delegates

  • 1 delegate and 1 alternate for every 50 members or fraction thereof.  Example: 10 members divide by 50 =1.
  • Election of delegates should be no less than 30 days prior to National Convention which would be in June.  Secretaries, you can enter your National Delegates on-line at and you’re strongly encouraged to do so.   



  • At least 1 delegate must have registered their credentials at Convention (this applies to both District and Department) for the Auxiliary to be entitled to vote the total number of delegates, which is known as voting strength.
  • On all levels, the President may cast the voting strength.  In the absence of the President, the Sr. or in their absence, the Jr. may cast the voting strength.  If all are absent, the vote will be taken by roll call of Auxiliaries in the Department.  At District level, they would have to pool the members in attendance (provided there are a delegate and/or alternate).  However, if the Auxiliary President is taking her own vote as a Department Officer, then the Senior Vice CANNOT exercise the Auxiliary President’s vote.
  • At least 1 delegate with registered credentials is required to be in the room at the time of the election.


Other Information

  • Each delegate has a right to his/her vote.  If a District has voted to endorse a candidate, the only one obligated to vote for that candidate is the District President.
  • If an Auxiliary is in arrears for any of the following, they shall be deprived of Auxiliary representation of ALL levels:
    • District Dues
    • Failure to make quarterly Audits
    • Financial obligations to National
    • Failure to have the offices of President and Treasurer bonded
  • All rights shall be promptly restored upon proper adjustment of such deficiencies.