What is an Achievement Award?

An Achievement Award seeks to recognize and celebrate your sustained, exceptional performance and/or significant contributions over a year.  It means that the work you do is appreciated by your organization. Achievement Awards are the relevant honors that you earn when you exceed average performance and go above and beyond normal performance expectations.


Welcome to the 2024-25 Year! I wish everyone a very successful year. Make sure to download your Achievement Awards information below. You will need the instruction pages to help you fill out the form.

  • The Achievement Awards are designed to assist you and the department to have a successful year.
  • Make sure to read carefully regarding earning points.
  • There will be 3 District and Auxiliary awards. Prizes are in the instructions.
  • I will be confirming the information provided to ensure fairness
  • If you have any questions, contact me.


Remember we are a TEAM and even though you are your own auxiliary, not completing  things on time or not meeting goals affects your District and the Department. We are one organization.


Who’s going to be our Department Top Districts and Auxiliaries?


Achievement Awards Instructions

Achievement Awards Report Form

 Kim McWilliams
Achievement Awards Chairman